Monday, June 25, 2012

Tuesday 6.26.12

Session 1
1.  Clean and Jerk
1 Rep heavy, not a PR.
2x2 at 80%

2.  Front Squats
5 x 1 at 90%

Session 2
1.  15-12-9
Thruster 135/95
Bar Muscle up
Olympic medalist and World Champion goalie 
for Team USA Hockey, Chanda Gunn.


  1. 1. C+J: worked up to 225#, 235#, 245#(failed jerk twice) then 2*2 @ 205#
    2. FS: 1 OTM for 10 min @245#

    3. 15-12-9 Thruster 135#/Bar MU: 12:39 Rx

  2. Ok me no liked bar muscle ups! But getting better at them :/
    Wod 15:40 with red band ... Until last round I got brave and used the small ass blue band for the final 3
    ** I really need to stemgthen upper body ... Especially pulling motions
    ** ideas? General strengthening warn up ideas maybe? It's very frustrating

    1. Oh forgot! Front squats at 190
      Skipped c& j per my lifting coaches orders
