Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wednesday 6.20.12

Session 1
1.  Power Clean
Work up to a 5 rep heavy TNG Power Clean

2.  Muscle ups
Ninjas:  6-5-4-3-2-1 unbroken MU for time
Beasts:  2-3 unbroken MU OTM x 6

3.  KBS/DU
OTM x 12
Min 1:  max rep unbroken KBS 100/70
Min 2: 45 DU
Min 3:  max rep unbroken KBS 70/53
Min 4: 45 DU
Min 5:  max rep unbroken KBS 53/35
Min 6: 45 DU
Min 7:  max rep unbroken KBS 100/70
Min 8: 45 DU
Min 9:  max rep unbroken KBS 70/53
Min 10: 45 DU
Min 11:  max rep unbroken KBS 53/35
Min 12: 45 DU

Session 2:
Slope Climb
Go to a local ski area and climb As Far As Possible in 10 minutes with a 20# vest.  
If you live in Florida or another place without hills put a treadmill on 12% incline and go.


  1. Hey Ben,
    I assume its an American KB Swing unless otherwise noted or russian?

  2. 1. PC: 205#
    2. MUs: 6 then 3 OTM for 6
    3. KB/DU: completed Rx, first time using the 97# KB
    97#/70#/53# sets were 16/21/28 9/17/20

    4. 10 min on treadmill 12% incline w/ 20# vest: just over 1 mile, this was brutal

  3. Little behind schedule but
    1.) PC 185
    2.) 3 OTM for 6
    3.) KB/DU: Completed Rx, had to use a 100#dumbbell...it was a struggle
    100#/70#/53# sets were 5/21/26 3/17/23
    4.) Subbed Tabata Airdyne bike, quads were burning (75 Cal)
